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Monday, December 26, 2005

Media Blog - Morons and Funnies

Freedumb Freedumb Hooray?

Stranger than Strange: Strangely
Quiet Centenary

Centenary Celebration
of E=MC2, a simplest of equations, Strangely Quiet.

“Yet what it (E=MC2)
encapsulates is still hard for scientists to grasp”?

An extremely embarrassing statement 100 years
later, revealing a profound delusion of mathematical theoretical interpretation
of this simplest of equations at the highest levels of contemporary
math and science.

Imagine an interpretation, frozen in time
since E=MC2's inception, petrified as in stone. 100 years of the same
initial kindergarten steps of narrow repetition, bizarre definition,
interpretation and crude nuclear application. Nothing even comes close
to this utter lack of comprehension. Worse than if we still thought
the world was flat, or rolled platforms on logs along our superhighways,
or still used the old Radio Shack Tandy computer with cassettes for
storage and memory.

Imagine 100 years of marvelous expanding scientific
horizons in countless fields, and yet, E=MC2, the simplest of equations,
the most essential to continuing Life, the following critical and crucial
concept continues to be IGNORED: “any number of observations, if made
on a sufficiently limited scale, will tend to indicate the earth is
flat rather than spherical”.

Perpetuating this stagnating
energy equation, by mindless evolution or design, can civilization hope
to survive in the natural, explosive arena of expansion and change?
(ironic that the scientific argument, evolution or design, ceases
to exist with the expanded nature of energy in E=MC2, and "conserving
the infinite, becomes a discarded dumbed down belief)

Regardless if the proposed “hidden variables”
causing this stagnation are due to Top Secret, or narrow vision, or
both, the incapacity to recognize the true relationship of mass, time,
space, energy, gravity at energy differentials approaching and exceeding
VC, concluding to this day, that nothing can exceed the speed of light
and that gravity is disabled with one pole/"one leg", sends
a dangerous and deadly message to all bound by a stagnant and dead science
in the supremely life sensitive arenas of energy, survival, and sustainability.

An Evolutionary/Design
Common sense and psychology show the preliminary development
stages from child to adult. If adults stayed at the one-two year old
level, there would be no civilization. This evolutionary nature does
not stop at the contemporary "well adjusted behavior" adult
maturity stage, but continues, as thousands of years of history, writings,
and few examples have shown.

These same evolutionary, Survival Required
Criteria, apply to civilization timelines, including all arenas of scientific
knowledge, criteria common to General Systems, Gestalt, Fractal, Chaos,
wholistic theories, and the historic, cyclic, "rise and fall of
civilizations - ignoring critical evolutionary
stages in the human dimension results in massive self-imposed tragedy
and erasure of civilizations.

The application trend, Dumbing Us Down, by
John Taylor Gotto, New York's Teacher of the year, is not a very polite,
patriotic, or Life Sustaining behavioral shaping maneuver.

Einstein equation
marks 100 years

By Roland Pease

BBC science correspondent

Physicists are celebrating the centenary of Albert Einstein's best known
equation: E=mc².

Published in the fourth of a series of papers
that shook the foundations of physics in 1905, E=mc² is now linked
with the power of the atom bomb.

No equation is anywhere near as recognizable
as E=mc².

In 1905, it was final proof of the genius
and imagination of a young German-born scientist who had yet to land
a university post.

It seems so simple: three letters standing
for energy, mass, and the speed of light, brought together with the
tightness of a soundbite.

Yet what it encapsulates is still hard for
scientists to grasp.

Einstein showed in a handful of lines that
as you accelerate an object, it not only gets faster, it also gets heavier.

That in turn makes further pushing less fruitful
so that eventually nothing can be accelerated beyond the speed of light.

The equation rounded out the theory of relativity
he had started earlier in the year.

Einstein soon recognized through the equation
that the energy released in radioactivity - a phenomenon hardly understood
at the time - might lead to measurable changes in mass.

That idea was eventually to be translated
into the physics of the atom bomb.

Story from BBC NEWS:


Published: 2005/11/21 14:31:18 GMT



Timeline Navigation

Another question for those seeking membership

B.C. Ancient Greek Science

Led to: Helliocentric Solar System

16th Century Helliocentric Solar System

Founded on: Ancient Greek Science

Led to: Universal Physics, Elliptical Orbits

17th Century Universal Physics

Founded on: Helliocentric Solar System

Led to: Laws of Motion

Elliptical Orbits

Founded on: Helliocentric Solar System

Led to: Laws of Motion

Laws of Motion

Founded on: Universal Physics, Elliptical Orbits

Led to: Fluid Mechanics


Led to: Interference Diffraction

18th Century Fluid Mechanics

Founded on: Laws of Motion

Led to: Geophysics

Interference Diffraction

Founded on: Oscillations

Led to: Photo Electric Effect

19th Century Electricity

Led to: Electromagnetism


Led to: Statistical Physics


Founded on: Electricity

Led to: Photo Electric Effect

Statistical Physics

Founded on: Thermodynamics

Led to: Brownian Motion

20th Century Relativity

Founded on: Laws of Motion

Led to: Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics

Photo Electric Effect

Founded on: Electromagnetism, Interference Diffraction

Led to: Nuclear Physics, Atomic Physics

Brownian Motion

Founded on: Statistical Physics

Led to: Geophysics, Biophysics

Nuclear Physics

Founded on: Relativity, Photo Electric Effect

Led to: Astrophysics, Particle Physics

Atomic Physics

Founded on: Photo Electric Effect

Led to: Astrophysics, Geophysics, Quantum Mechanics, Biophysics


Founded on: Nuclear Physics, Atomic Physics

Led to: Particle Physics


Founded on: Fluid Mechanics, Brownian Motion

Particle Physics

Founded on: Relativity, Nuclear Physics

Quantum Mechanics

Founded on: Astrophysics, Atomic Physics

Led to: Quantum Optics, Materials


Founded on: Atomic Physics, Brownian Motion, Fluid Mechanics

21st Century Cosmology

Founded on: Relativity, Astrophysics

Quantum Optics

Founded on: Quantum Mechanics


Founded on: Statistical Physics, Quantum Mechanics

Philosophy of Science

Mathematics and Physics

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